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+252 63 7077773

Plastic Reconstructive & Maxillofacial Surgery

Plastic reconstructive & maxillofacial surgeon at DISH provides treatment for problems that result from injury, infection, developmental abnormalities, birth defects, disease and tumors that result in deformity and loss of function, and aims to restore form and function of your body parts

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What do we treat?

Our certified plastic reconstructive & maxillofacial surgeon provides services for outpatient, inpatient treatment and surgical management of both elective (non-urgent) and emergency (urgent) treatments in many areas, including but not limited to:

  • Trauma Surgery

  • Complex Wound Management

  • Acute Burns and post burn contracture Management

  • Plastic and reconstructive Surgery to different body parts including face, chest, abdominal wall, trunk, genitalia and lower limb

  • Hand Surgery

  • Peripheral nerve injury repair

  • Brachial Plexus Injury Management

  • Head and neck cancer and reconstruction

  • Melanoma and Skin Cancer and Soft Tissue Tumour Management

  • Microsurgery

  • Facial Trauma Surgery including soft tissue and facial bones

  • Breast Reconstruction

  • Skin cancer management

  • Book an Appointment

    Why choose DISH?

    Patients and families choose DISH because of our:

  • Expertise: our plastic surgeon is trained to handle simple and complex plastic reconstructive and maxillofacial problems, as well as complications from trauma and burns

  • Our surgeons are specialists or subspecialists

  • Team approach: orthopedic trauma surgeons, plastic surgeons and rehabilitation team collaborate to create personalized treatment plan to repair bones, muscles and tendons as well as to restore your form and function

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    Patient stories

    "Labada seedood ayaa i go'ay, ismaan lahayn gacantaasi way sii noolaan doontaa ..."

    - Guuleed

    Bukaan Seedaha Faraha Gacanta Loo Beeray

    Our Doctors

    Dr Abraham

    Plastic Surgeon

    Associate Professor

    Our surgeon have vast experience with the full spectrum of plastic surgical problems, from the routine to the rare. The following conditions may be treated with reconstructive surgery.

  • Trauma Surgery

  • Complex Wound Management

  • Burns Management

  • Plastic and reconstructive Surgery

  • Hand Surgery including congenital hand( birth defects)

  • Peripheral nerve injury surgery

  • Brachial Plexus Injury Management

  • Head and neck reconstruction

  • Melanoma and Skin Cancer and Soft Tissue Tumour Management

  • Microsurgery

  • Facial Trauma Surgery

  • Breast Reconstruction

  • Skin cancer management

  • Facial deformities

  • Hand injuries

  • Sarcoma

  • Skin blemishes

  • Soft palate cancer

  • Spider veins

  • Suspicious breast lumps

  • Exposed hardwares like implants

  • Exposed vital structures such as bone, tendon, nerve and arteries

  • Orbital fracture

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Head and neck cancers

  • Burn contractures

  • Ameloblastoma

  • Breast cancer

  • Cancer

  • Cleft lip and cleft palate

  • Craniosynostosis

  • Eyelid ptosis

  • Floor of the mouth cancer

  • Ganglion cyst

  • Hemangioma

  • Lip cancer

  • Lymphedema

  • Melanoma

  • Mouth cancer

  • Nonmelanoma skin cancer

  • Telangiectasia

  • Throat cancer

  • Tongue cancer

  • Varicose veins

  • Wrinkles

  • Hear From Our Experts


    Clinic 1: Deero Hotel, Agagaarka Masjid Jaamaca

    Hospital: Xaafadda Mohamed Mooge

    Phone: +252 63 7077773


    CLINIC: Saturday - Thursday

    (7:30 am - 12:30 pm)

    (4:00 pm - 8:00 pm)

    HOSPITAL: 24 Hours

    Copyright © 2023 Dr Ismail Hospital. All rights reserved